How to Use Reciprocating Saw: Essential Guide for Beginners

How to Use Reciprocating Saw
How to Use Reciprocating Saw

A Reciprocating Saw is designed to perform multiple cutting tasks with less effort, like wood, metal, plastic,

masonry, etc. Whether you’re a professional or DIY enthusiast, learning how to use the Reciprocating Saw will benefit you.

In this article, you will start learning from the basics of its usage, like the selection of the right blade and various cutting techniques applicable to different project situations.

So, keep reading.

Safety and Precautions

Although a reciprocating saw is a powerful tool for various cutting tasks, we can never neglect its importance in any construction project.

But, always remember it is a machine, which can cause many risks if not used correctly.

So, before learning cutting techniques, we will do some preparation to ensure essential safety measures and precautions. Here below are some highlighted points to follow.

Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Before you pick up a reciprocating saw, you should wear some personal protective equipment (PPE) to save and enhance your control of the tool with comfort.

  • Safety Glasses
  • Safety Goggles
  • Hearing Protection
  • Gloves
  • Dust Mask
  • Closed Toe Shoes
  • Tight Clothes

Preparation Before Using Reciprocating Saw

1- Inspect Your Reciprocating Saw

Although it is common, inspecting your reciprocating saw before each use is essential to prevent any hazardous accident.

Let’s follow these simple steps.

  • First, Examine the saw for any visible damage.
  • Check that the reciprocating saw’s power switch and trigger button function correctly.
  • Verify that the blade is attached correctly because a loose blade can cause an accident.
  • Check that the power cable insulation is not damaged in the case of a corded reciprocating saw.
  • Always ensure that all screws on the saw are correctly tightened.

2- Secure Your Workspace

It is the first step of any preparation. Preparation of workspace before starting any project can significantly reduce the risks of accidents and save time. Let’s follow these simple steps.

  • Remove any obstacles, debris, or clutter from your work area.
  • For precise cutting, mark the cutting lines with a pencil or chalk.
  • Use clamps or other appropriate tools to prevent the material from vibrating excessively.
  • Clear the cutting path to prevent any potential hazards.

Note: When you are not using Reciprocating Saw actively, changing blades, and during the inspection, it should always switch off and unplug.

3- Control and Posture

Griping and controlling the reciprocating saw correctly is essential while using it. The proper posture techniques are here.

  • Use both hands to hold the reciprocating saw.
  • One should be on the handle and the other on the front of the saw, near the blade.
  • Stand as, the gap between both feet should be more comprehensive than your shoulder width.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent to absorb any vibration from the saw.
  • To reduce the risk of injury in case of kickback, position your body to the side of the saw’s cutting path, not directly in line with it.

4- Kickback Handling

It is a common and sudden violation by the reciprocating saw during the work that can occur due to the blade binding or pinching.

If it occurs, how can you handle it? Here is the solution.

  • First, don’t be panic.
  • Maintain a firm grip on the saw handle if it occurs.
  • Release the trigger to slow down the Reciprocating saw till it stops.
  • Try to identify the kickback cause, such as a blade bind or pinching.
  • Resolve the issue before continuing.

Note: Some blades are designed as anti-kickback. Consider using those blades.

5- Choosing the Right Blade

The performance of a reciprocating saw depends on the selection of the right blade because, in the market, there are many types of blades. Here is the procedure to choose the right blade.

  • First, determine the type of project that you are working on. Reciprocating saw blades have different types according to the various material needs, like wood, metal, plastic, and even brickwork.
  • Choose the blade length according to your cutting material thickness because long blades are suitable for thicker materials, and short blades offer more control.
  • Choose the blade according to the teeth per inch (TPI). For finer and smoother cuts, you require higher TPI blades, and for rougher and faster cutting, you need lower TPI blades.

Note: Always use specialized blades for demolition, nail-embedded and precision cutting work.

How to Use Reciprocating Saw Using Basic Cutting Techniques

1- Straight Cuts

It is a common cutting technique. Name expressing its characteristics. You can make all types of straight cuts with it, like slicing a wooden beam or tree branches during a home renovation, making precise cuts on metal tubing, etc.

2- Curved Cuts

It is the technique of cutting the opening or trimming irregular plywood shapes. It can be challenging, but it is the essential cutting for every project.

3- Plunge Cuts

If we want to create an opening for any purpose in the middle of the workpiece with a reciprocating saw, it is called plunge cutting. These cuts are also essential in various projects.

4- Flush Cuts

This technique is used when we need to trim a material, such as a piece of wood or pipe, to achieve a smooth and fine surface so that it flushes with another surface.

5- Overhead Cutting

Cutting materials overhead presents its own set of challenges and safety concerns, whether you’re working on a ceiling or any other overhead surface.

How to Use Reciprocating Saw Step-by-Step

  • Clear the area and remove any potential hazards.
  • Choose the correct blade according to the required material.
  • Attach blade with Reciprocating saw
  • Adjust the speed according to material type.
  • Mark the precise cutting line with a lead pencil or chalk.
  • Hold the saw in both hands.
  • Place the blade at the starting point of the marked line, and ensure that you have a clear view of the marked line.
  • Pull the trigger to allow the saw to cut your assigned object.
  • Apply pressure towards the marked cutting line.
  • Stay calm and focused to maintain control of the saw and be ready to face any kickback or other problem.
  • After successfully finishing the marked line, release the trigger.
  • Switch off the saw before starting the next cutting procedure.

Additional Cutting Projects

1- Demolition Work

Reciprocating Saw is invaluable for breaking down materials quickly and efficiently if we are renovating a room or dismantling an old structure. It will help to save time and material damage.

2- Pruning Trees

While it is not a special tool for tree pruning, a Reciprocating saw can be useful, especially when we want to cut thicker branches of trees.

3- Metal Pipe Cutting

Cutting metal pipes accurately and efficiently is a common task in plumbing and construction. Reciprocating saws equipped with the right blades can make this job much easier.

4- Nail-Embedded Wood

When we remodel any constructed structure, encountering nail-embedded wood is common. But if we are remodeling with a Reciprocating saw using an appropriate blade, we need not worry. We can easily do nail-embedded wooden tasks.



The reciprocating saw is a multifunctional tool that can be used to perform a wide range of cutting tasks with confidence and precision. It has the ability to perform basic techniques and advanced challenges.

In this guide, I have explained all the steps that can help you improve your skills.

But always remember that proficiency comes with time and experience. So, start with small and simple projects and gradually go towards the challenging tasks.

Thank you for your time.

Best wishes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use a reciprocating saw to cut branches?

Yes, you can use. But remember it is not specialized tool to cut tree branches.

How deep can a reciprocating saw cut?

Reciprocating saw blades have different lengths ranging from 6 to 12 inches and the cutting depth depends on the length of blade you used.

How do you cut straight with a reciprocating saw?

Follow these steps to cut straight:
Mark the cut
Secure the material
Position the saw
Start the saw
Make the cut
Finish the cut
Turn off the saw

How is a reciprocating saw used?

1- Demolition Work
2- Pruning Trees
3- Metal Pipe Cutting
4- Nail-Embedded Wood
5- Plumbing and Electrical work